Accessible Information Need: What is it?

Everyone has a preferred means of accessing information important to them. It is something many people take for granted. However, what if you cannot read a document, what if you cannot see it, or hear the spoken word? 

What if you have a visual impairment? What if BSL is your only means of communication? What if you have an additional learning need? What if you have have a literacy need? 

The biggest issues with communication /or accessing information for someone with a sensory loss, additional learning need or literacy need could include some of the following:

  • Difficulty in accessing the Internet, digital or electronic devices

  • Difficulty in getting moving around an office or built environment

  • Difficulty in accessing new or unfamiliar buildings and environments

  • Difficulty in accessing printed material

  • Not being able to access spoken material

  • English/Welsh as a second language

  • Difficulties with lipreading

  • Difficulty in accessing BSL interpreters or other appropriate communication professionals

  • Difficulty in accessing loop systems

However, almost all people who have an information access need are disadvantaged because of the same thing:

  • A lack of awareness from others as to what is needed or how to help.

If you know how to help you are much more likely to help. If you are more aware of the needs of people you are much more likely to cater for those needs.